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Steve’s Blog (Page 6)

Steve’s Newsletter – February 2020

At this time of year, for some of us, the deadline for self-assessment tax has come, and gone! Whilst on the Martin Lewis website, [] I noticed an article about what HMRC says are some of the most bizarre excuses for late tax returns that they have received over the past decade. They are: 1. […]

Steve’s Newsletter – January 2020

So, how many of you made New Year resolutions? Over the years I’ve made many; • To lose weight • To do more exercise • To save money • To be better at staying in touch with family and friends etc. But unfortunately, often before I’ve even reached the end of January, some, if not […]

Steve’s Newsletter – December 2019

‘The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighbourhood. We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory, like Father, like Son, generous inside and out, true from start to finish.’ [John 1:14 MSG] Christmas is a very special time for most people. At the very least, it gives us the […]

Steve’s Newsletter – November 2019

I’m really not a big fan of this time of year. The days are getting shorter, the weather colder, trees are losing their leaves and the outlook is pretty bleak as we tumble on towards the shortest day of the year. I think sometimes life can leave us with very similar feelings; darkness can seem […]

Steve’s Newsletter – October 2019

When I started thinking about using ‘footprints’ as a theme for this letter, I had feet in mind, but by far the biggest hit on the internet about footprints was about our carbon footprint, the damage that we do to our world through pollution etc. Then that got me thinking about what we do with […]

Steve’s Newsletter – September 2019

We are living in a massive time of change! Not only are we coming to the end of the summer with the trees starting to shed their summer coats, but our whole country, and world, is going through massive changes too. Environmentally, we are seeing changes in our weather; from summers of extreme heat, to […]

Steve’s Newsletter – June 2019

I attended a Memory Worship (dementia friendly service) at one of my churches this month, where some very young children from the pre-school nursery, joined us to sing their rainbow song. Seeing these children sat there waiting for their performance, reminded me of what the Bible says about children and faith. Children accept things as […]

Steve’s newsletter – May 2019

I meet people every week who don’t feel that they have anything to offer to the church in way of gifts and talents; disheartened people who have very little hope and positivity about their role within God’s church. I think its probably human nature to look at others and wish we had their gifts or […]