Following the recent changes to Covid restrictions, we wanted to let you know how we intend to move forward over the next few weeks and months at Wesley. Whilst there are no longer legal requirements on places of worship, both the Methodist Church and the UK Government are still advising caution because of rising case numbers. We want to make sure that everyone will feel safe and comfortable within the church building, and will therefore be implementing the following guidance, and we strongly encourage you to observe this whilst on the premises to help protect yourself and others:
- Hand sanitiser, track and trace records and face coverings to remain.
- Singing will be allowed, with masks on.
- Social distancing – chairs will be socially distanced for worship, meetings etc. Please try and maintain social distancing, especially when greeting others, and be aware that not everyone will be comfortable with the relaxation of legal social distancing rules.
- Coffee after the service will return, at the rear of the Sanctuary. Face coverings can be removed when seated for drinks.
All the churches in our section will be taking these same precautions going forward.
This guidance will be reviewed each month, taking into account any changes to national and Methodist Church guidance and the local Covid case rate, and any amendments will be circulated.
Thank you for your support as we navigate the next few weeks and months.
We appreciate that not everyone will feel able or comfortable returning to public worship, and so our online worship will continue – please see details below.
We have initiated a number of ways to continue to support each other and the wider community during the coronavirus pandemic; ways to stay together whilst apart. We also regularly share prayers and resources on our Facebook Page and Twitter Feed.
Online Worship
Pastor Steve has produced online services available on YouTube for everyone to take part in.
An archive of all the services from April 2020 onwards can be found on Pastor Steve’s YouTube channel here.
Memory Worship:
August 2021 – The theme of August Memory Worship service is ‘In God we find Joy.’
Worship resources from other churches and denominations
Southend & Leigh Circuit of the Methodist Church: The Southend & Leigh circuit newsletter includes details of all the services, resources and activities that are available across the circuit whilst the church buildings are closed/in the process of reopening. The newsletter can be accessed via the circuit website here.
Rev Dr Calvin Samuel: Rev Dr Calvin Samuel is a Methodist Minister within our Southend and Leigh Circuit, and is minister at Rochford and Rayleigh Methodist Churches. Online services and prayers are available on his Youtube Channel.
The Methodist Church in Britain: Methodist Church podcasts are available here, with lots of other helpful news, resources, prayers and such available through the homepage. The Methodist Church has also issued guidance on speaking to children about the virus and some resources associated with it – see their Talking to Young People page here.
The Methodist Church also has a Dial-A-Prayer service available; FREE phone lines for prayers and news from the Methodist Church. Content is updated weekly on Thursday afternoon.
Listen to a prayer: 0808 281 2514
Listen to news: 0808 281 2478
Singing the Faith Plus: this website has service sheets that can be downloaded – here.
Roots: free resources for worship from home can be found here.
Wesley’s Chapel: Wesley’s Chapel in London will continue to live-stream worship, adapted for no physical congregation. Service times: Wednesday 12:45pm, Thursday 12:45pm, Sunday 9:45am and 11:00am. All these services will be available on their YouTube Channel.
Swan Bank Methodist Church: Swan Bank Methodist Church in Burslem will also live-stream worship. Service Time: Sunday 10:30am. The service will be available on YouTube and Facebook.
Methodist Central Hall Westminster: lots of videos of sermons available on their YouTube channel.
Taize: at 7:30 p.m. GMT every evening, a prayer with a small group of brothers will be broadcast live from the community via Facebook. Their page can be found here.
The Church of England: More information on all the Church of England’s online services can be found on their website and facebook page.
Greenbelt: Recordings of past Greenbelt communion services (going back to 2005) are available on the Greenbelt Website.
Telephone Befriending
One of our church members is a volunteer telephone befriender with Age Concern. If you would like to use this service, please get in touch directly with Age Concern:
Southend Foodbank
Before the Covid-19 pandemic, we had a Southend Foodbank collection basket at the church. Whilst this part of the church building is not open, we are able to accept any donations when we are open for services. If you are unable to attend the church but would still like to help, monetary donations of any size would be very gratefully received. Bank details and the address to send cheques to can be found on the Southend Foodbank website.
Thank you for all you are able to give.
Financial Situation
Further Information
The website and this page will be updated regularly in response to changes to guidance, worship and activities.
For any enquiries or further information please email
Contact details for the church Leadership Team and Minister can be found here, as well as at the top right of the website homepage.
If you are a hirer, please speak to your contact.
Coronavirus guidance from The Methodist Church in Britain is available here.
“Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.” John 14:27 (NRSV)