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Steve’s Blog (Page 5)

Steve’s Newsletter – August 2021

I’m sure for many of us, at this time of year, our minds drift off to thoughts of sun-soaked holidays. Whether that holiday be overseas or within the UK, one of our dilemmas is what to pack and what not to pack. I know from previous experience that half the clothes I pack for a […]

Steve’s Newsletter – July 2021

When we look at what seemed important to Jesus in the Bible; seeking out the ‘undesirables’ of society; the sick, the leper, the sinner, it was all very much ‘people’ issues. Bearing this in mind then, it might come as bit of a surprise how concerned Jesus was with what people contributed financially to the […]

Steve’s Newsletter – June 2021

My wife has just bought a hanging tomato plant which already has tomatoes on it as it was cultivated in a green house. This got me thinking about the fruit we produce as Christians and what it takes for us to yield good fruit. Here I don’t mean fruit like bananas or apples, but spirit […]

Steve’s Newsletter – May 2021

Last summer one of my daughters bought me a banana plant. I had never kept a banana plant before and I was impressed by the speed of growth; every few days a new leaf would appear! But unfortunately, due to my lack of banana plant care, I left it outside for the winter and it […]

Steve’s Newsletter – April 2021

Easter, that wonderful time of the year when we can remember the sacrifice of Jesus for each of us and celebrate our risen Saviour all in the same weekend! Unlike last year, and for those who feel they can, we are able to attend a live service in our churches on Easter Sunday morning and […]

Steve’s Newsletter – March 2021

Lent is a season of forty days, not counting Sundays, which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday. Lent comes from the Anglo-Saxon word ‘lencten’, which means “spring.” The forty days represents the time Jesus spent in the wilderness, enduring the temptation of Satan and preparing to begin His ministry. Traditionally, Lent has […]

Steve’s Newsletter – February 2021

Unfortunately, Pastor Steve and his family are all poorly at present suffering from Covid. We send our love and prayers to them all for a speedy recovery and pray that they will feel the power of the holy spirit’s healing. Please accept my offering instead of the Minister’s Letter. According to “My Year”, February in […]

Steve’s Newsletter – January 2021

With another year past and a new one stretching out before us, it seems a natural time to take stock of our lives. What went well over the last year? What was disappointing? Where would we like to be in another year’s time? What would we especially like to do and achieve in the coming […]

Steve’s Newsletter – December 2020

Once again at this time of year we turn our thoughts to the birth of Jesus; but all too often the wonder of this awesome event is obscured by the trappings of Christmas – holidays, presents, food, television, etc. and this year by the fear and anxiety of a global pandemic. But it is worth […]

Steve’s Newsletter – November 2020

It is this time of year that our minds turn to Remembrance Day. This year, things are probably going to be very different in some, or all of our country, as gatherings and church services maybe restricted. Although, Remembrance Day is quite rightly about remembering those who paid the ultimate price for our freedom and […]