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Church Blog (Page 4)

Steve’s Newsletter – December 2023

Once again at this time of year we turn our thoughts to the birth of Jesus; but all too often the wonder of this awesome event is obscured by the trappings of Christmas – holidays, presents, food, television, etc. It is worth having a much closer look at the wonder of God coming to earth…

Steve’s Newsletter – November 2023

I’m really not a big fan of this time of year. The days are getting shorter, the weather colder, trees are losing their leaves and the outlook is pretty bleak as we tumble on towards the shortest day of the year. I think sometimes life can leave us with very similar feelings; darkness can seem…

Steve’s Newsletter – October 2023

Autumn is now upon us and we thank God for giving us a good summer this year (albeit a little late!), for the warmth of the sun and the beautiful blue skies; and we celebrate all these wonderful gifts from God through our Harvest Festivals which we celebrate in our churches at this time of…

Steve’s Newsletter – September 2023

We are living in a massive time of change! Not only are we coming to the end of the summer with the trees starting to shed their summer coats, but our whole country, and world, is going through massive changes too. Environmentally, we are seeing changes in our weather; from summers of extreme heat, to…