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Steve’s Blog (Page 11)

Julia’s Newsletter for June 2016

 Should we stay or should we go now? If we stay there will be trouble, if we go it will be double?  The Clash 1982 There are currently 2 programs that get me shouting at the radio and asking when will it ever end? The first is the continuing drama on The Archers as I long […]

Julia’s Newsletter for May 2016

Be Connected to the Power source “If the alive and present God who raised Jesus from the dead moves into your life, he’ll do the same thing in you that he did in Jesus, bring you alive to himself. “ Romans 8: 10   The Message So after the 50 days of celebrating Easter and The […]

Say Often, “Lord Have Mercy”

“You wonder what to do when you feel attacked on all sides by seemingly irrisistable forces, waves that cover you and want to sweep you off your feet. Sometimes these waves consist of feeling rejected, feeling forgotten, feeling misunderstood. Sometimes they consist of anger, resentment or even the desire for revenge, and sometimes of self-pity […]

Mary Anoints The Feet of Jesus

I am currently enjoying exploring the connections between art and faith through the creative gifts of artists who live in Eastern Europe. Enjoying artistic freedom denied for over 40 years under communism, their art displays a vibrant spirituality, often exploring styles from the eastern orthodox tradition. One such artist is Bulgarian born Julia Stankova, who […]

Julia’s Newsletter for March 2016 – Foot Washing

When I was a minister in Birmingham, the Section held a meal on Maunday Thursday to symbolically rehearse the Last Supper. There was of course the Matzah unleavened bread, and wine and other components that went to make for a Passover meal:lamb representing the pascal lamb; horseradish to recall the bitterness of slavery; and salt water, […]

Sense that The Force re-Awakens, can you?

My young padawans. Flabby you have become. Lift your heads. Be alert. Preparations you must make. Rekindle your hope you should. Lost the art of reading the signs of the times have you. Can you not tell? Last time, came fresh hope as a baby he did. Stealing into the world in a backwater. A […]

Leave the rest to God

The people who walk in darkness have seen a great light. They who once lived in gloom, now have light shining upon them. A child is born to us! He is called, “Wonderful,” “Counselor,” “Mighty God,” “Eternal Father,” and “Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9: 2,6 I write this letter with snow promised on Sunday and […]