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Church Blog (Page 5)

Steve’s Newsletter – June 2023

As I’ve been driving around recently, I’ve noticed that the Horse Chestnut trees are all out in blossom, and this has reminded of times gone by when I have collected conkers with my daughters when they were younger. But looking at these blossoms on the trees, I had a thought about the potential of each…

Steve’s Newsletter – May 2023

Whether you’re a royalist or not, the coronation of king Charles III will have an impact on you to a greater, or lesser degree. For some it will be the highlight of the year, and they’ll be glued to their televisions for the duration of the service. For others it will be an opportunity to…

Steve’s Newsletter – April 2023

Easter, that wonderful time of the year when we can remember the sacrifice of Jesus for each of us, and celebrate our risen Saviour all in the same weekend! I remember a few years back in one of my previous churches, having an Easter egg hunt in the service for the children. Before the service,…