He Calls Me Friend His conversation is sweetness itself, He is altaogether lovable. Such is my beloved, such is my friend Song of Songs 5: 16 While researching last months sermon on the place of the garden in scripture, I came across these beautiful words about friendship in the Song of Songs, which got…
Should we stay or should we go now? If we stay there will be trouble, if we go it will be double? The Clash 1982 There are currently 2 programs that get me shouting at the radio and asking when will it ever end? The first is the continuing drama on The Archers as I long…
Be Connected to the Power source “If the alive and present God who raised Jesus from the dead moves into your life, he’ll do the same thing in you that he did in Jesus, bring you alive to himself. “ Romans 8: 10 The Message So after the 50 days of celebrating Easter and The…