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Church Blog

Steve’s Newsletter – April 2025

Easter, that wonderful time of the year when we can remember the sacrifice of Jesus for each of us, and celebrate our risen Saviour all in the same weekend! I remember a few years back in one of my previous churches, having an Easter egg hunt in the service for the children. Before the service,…

Steve’s Newsletter – March 2025

Lent is a season of forty days, not counting Sundays, which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday. Lent comes from the Anglo-Saxon word ‘lencten’, which means “spring.” The forty days represents the time Jesus spent in the wilderness, enduring the temptation of Satan and preparing to begin His ministry. Traditionally, Lent has…

Steve’s Newsletter – February 2025

I’ve always been one for a good voucher. After all, why pay more for something when you can get it cheaper! Over the years I’ve used many different vouchers to save money on different things, from Groupon Vouchers to Tesco Club Card vouchers. But all these vouchers have something in common; they all have terms…

Steve’s Newsletter – January 2025

So, how many of you made New Year resolutions? Over the years I’ve made many; • To lose weight • To do more exercise • To save money • To be better at staying in touch with family and friends etc. But unfortunately, often, before I’ve even reached the end of January, some, if not…

Steve’s Newsletter – December 2024

Once again at this time of year we turn our thoughts to the birth of Jesus; but all too often the wonder of this awesome event is obscured by the trappings of Christmas – holidays, presents, food, television, etc. But it is worth having a much closer look at the wonder of God coming to…