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Church Blog

Steve’s Blog – September 2024

Well, I’ve come to an end of an era in my Christian journey. By the time you read this letter, I will no longer be Pastor Steve, but Revd. Steve. It has been quite a journey for me since candidating for presbyteral ministry some 4 years ago, a journey which initially, I wasn’t keen to […]

Steve’s Blog – July & August 2024

I wonder what goes through your mind when you think of the word confession? For many, when they hear ‘confessing your sin’, they think it’s reserved for monks in a monastery, or of paying penance to God by entering a church confessional. However, the Bible teaches us it is an important practice for the life […]

Steve’s Blog – June 2024

I have been reminded recently about the power of the tongue. James says in his book, in chapter 3:3-6; “3When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. 4 Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by […]

Steve’s Blog – May 2024

I regularly meet people who don’t feel that they have anything to offer the church in way of gifts and talents; disheartened people who have very little hope and positivity about their role within God’s family. I think it’s probably human nature to look at others and wish we had their gifts or talents. But […]

Steve’s Blog – April 2024

Adoption is a wonderful thing. It enables those who aren’t able to have children, to share in a special relationship with a child, enabling both parents and child to flourish. For those who already have children and still adopt, it again enables that child to flourish and be part of a loving, sustaining, family unit. […]