At this time of year, for some of us, the deadline for self-assessment tax has come, and gone! Whilst on the Martin
Lewis website, [] I noticed an article about what HMRC says are some of the most bizarre
excuses for late tax returns that they have received over the past decade.
They are:
1. I was up a mountain in Wales and could not find a post
box or get an internet signal.
2. My dog ate my post. (again)
3. My hamster ate my post.
4. I’ve been cruising round the world in my yacht, and only pick up the post when I’m on dry land.
5. My mother-in-law is a witch and put a curse on me.
We are assured in the article that none of these excuses were upheld by HMRC as legitimate!
But, what excuses do we sometimes make when it comes to what we should be doing for Christ?
- How often we read our Bibles?
- How often we pray?
- How often we serve Jesus?
- How often we show God’s love to others?
But making excuses is no new thing! Many biblical characters made excuses when it came to serving God.
Moses is a fine example.
His excuses were;
- Doubts about his ability to lead.
- His thoughts of unworthiness.
- His presumed lack of authority.
- His fear of what people would say
- and his physical weakness.
But in the end Moses allowed God to use him, he came through for God, but more importantly, God came through
for Moses.
I wonder what God could do through us this year if we would only allow Him?
John 12:26 says; ‘If any of you wants to serve me, then follow me. Then you’ll be where I am, ready to serve at a
moment’s notice. The Father will honour and reward anyone who serves me.’ [The Message]
May we all pray verse 4 of hymn 353 from Hymns and Psalms:
Master, speak: and make me ready,
When thy voice is truly heard,
With obedience glad and steady
Still to follow every word.
I am listening, Lord, for thee;
Master, speak! O speak to me!
Every blessing,
Pastor Steve